Student theses repositories

The following list includes repositories and other searching facilities and examples of training institutions giving information on student theses and dissertations.

This list is under development. Please contact the IIC office if you would like to add an item in the list.

The Directory of Open Access Repositories – OpenDOAR
A directory of academic open access repositories, searchable by content.

A partnership of research libraries and library consortia working together to improve global access to European research theses, DART-Europe is the European Working Group of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) and the DART-Europe partners help to provide researchers with a single European Portal to find electronic theses and dissertations:

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
An international organisation dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (EDTs):

EthOS – e-theses online service
EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service, aiming to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses. It supports the UK Government’s open access principle that publications resulting from publicly-funded research should be made freely available for all researchers, providing opportunities for further research. UK Research Councils expect that PhDs supported by a Research Council Training Grant should be made freely available in an open access repository. Information is given on whether theses are available for download directly, through the institution or, if on paper, can be digitised (possibly at a cost)

This is a Jisc service, enabling searching of about 90 UK and Irish national, academic and specialist library catalogues – Jisc is a not for profit organisation for digital services for the UK higher education, further education and skills sectors. Searching can be by keywords in the title as well as authors and includes PhD theses where these are available. There is a focus on specialist research collections.

INCCA, International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art
INCCA is a network of like-minded professionals connected to the conservation of modern and contemporary art. A search can be made by clicking on the symbol on the home page and entering terms, or under a more specific heading such as Articles: information on theses and research is generally included under this heading. The award of a thesis, however, may also be listed under News. Quite detailed information on the subject matter of the thesis is given, including contact details for the author.

The Hornemann Institute, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK), Hildesheim
The Hornemann Institute aims to enable world wide knowledge transfer, customising current scientific results within the scope of conservation and restoration to fit the needs of international specialists. The e-publications page gives access to information on electronic publications in the field of cultural conservation, including PhD theses; the link to theses allows further searches can be made. Results can be sorted by material or topic, by author, institution and, within that, whether or not the full text is available and the language. The author or university should be contacted for a copy of the thesis. Searching is possible in German and English.
e-publications search:
thesis search:

Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property, ANAGPIC
ANAGPIC works to strengthen and advance graduate-level education and training in art and heritage conservation. The site gives links to current member training programmes. ANAGPIC meets regularly to provide a venue for the presentation and exchange of graduate student work and research. It does not host theses but does list student papers and posters.

Current Member Programs:
Buffalo State College (Art Conservation Department)
Columbia University (Historic Preservation Program)
Harvard University (Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies)
New York University IFA (Conservation Center)
Queens University (Art Conservation, Canada)
University of California, Los Angeles/Getty (UCLA/Getty Master’s Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials)
University of Delaware/Winterthur (Art Conservation)
University of Pennsylvania (Historic Preservation)

University of the Arts London (UAL) Research online
UAL Research Online holds, manages, shares and preserves the research material produced by researchers at the University of the Arts, London and ensures that it reaches the widest possible audience. Items in the collection are globally available and free to view and download by anyone connected to the Internet. It currently contains journal articles, monographs, book chapters, conference papers, conference proceedings, exhibitions, video, audio, images, websites, and selected post-graduate theses, but no student work apart fron approved PhD theses. It is also able to manage software, datasets, workshop presentations, and patents. The repository can be searched under several headings, including creator and subject. This will bring up a list of items and further information when an item is selected.

ORCA, Online Research @ Cardiff, Cardiff University
A digital repository of Cardiff University’s research output, including PhD theses. Very detailed subject searching is possible and information is provided on availability of the theses. Seaching in English or Welsh.

Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
Theses and dissertations, including MA dissertations, are listed in the catalogues of the library. More recent holdings (added since 1992) can be searched on line; older material must be searched within the library. A list of PhD theses completed in the last five years or so, including those undertaken in the Technology and Conservation and Wall Painting Departments, is available on line.

Hamilton Kerr Institute, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge
Projects produced by students during their third and final year, printed and bound by the Institute, may be consulted by appointment. A list, arranged by year, is available on the website.

Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences (CICS) – Institut für Restaurierungs- und Konservierungswissenschaft, Technische Hochschule Köln (TH Köln) – University of Applied Sciences, Cologne
This is a list only of student diploma works, Diplomarbeiten, rather than PhD theses; further information on access or availability should be obtained from CICS.
The listing includes the name of the author, the subject field, the name of the supervisors and the title, from which an abstract in German and, in the case of more recent diplomas, English can be obtained. Searching is in German.

Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada, Department of Art History & Art Conservation
In addition to conservation treatments, second-year master’s degree students need to complete scientific research projects for the course ARTC-898, a requirement for the Master’s degree in Art Conservation (MAC). Projects are listed by date; information includes an abstract and a image of the poster which can be enlarged and downloaded, or a downloadable PDF. Searching is in English.

University of Amsterdam (UvA), Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Students of the four-year training programme in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Amsterdam complete the Masters’ phase with an MA thesis at the end of their second year. Most MA theses are available from UvA Scripties Online and can also be found here:
PhDs in Conservation are available from UvA-DARE and can be found here in the menu at the top left:

University of Pennsylvania, Historic Preservation/Architectural Conservation student theses repository :