Mosaic: Preservation, restoration and enhancement

The School of Restoration of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, organizes a National Conference on the Conservation and Restoration of Ancient and Contemporary Mosaic. The event is aimed at students, researchers and scholars working in the field of conservation, protection and enhancement of the mosaic (understood in its broadest sense) from ancient to contemporary. The event will take place at the Aula Magna of the Academy, with an inspection at the school construction site of the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples which is currently taking place on the mosaic of the Ex Salottino di Porcellana of the Reggia di Portici. The aim is to represent “The State of the Art” of knowledge on this wide category of artifacts, highlighting the excellence and skills present in the sector and also the great contribution that the Restoration Schools, which with specific teaching give to the protection of mosaics in Italy. At the end there will be a Round Table on the theme, also involving contemporary artists who express themselves through mosaic and craftsmen experienced in this technique.

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